Public grants

Economic supports to investment

The Investment Support System is intended to provide companies and entrepreneurs with assistance in the process of starting up their business initiatives, as well as to facilitate their implementation.

Here you can find information about advantages and funding regarding the possible support available for your business project.

your grant

Search engine Find your grant
Regional Ministry search engine
Granting management centre finder
Applicant's profile finder
Procedure code
Application deadline


24/07/2024 - 16/09/2024
Consellería de Facenda e Administración Pública
16/07/2024 - 16/09/2024
Consellería de Economía e Industria

Investment support maps

The support maps contain information on the active services and grant programmes offered by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry and Innovation in the areas of economic promotion, innovation, energy, industry, trade and R&D&I. They also include information on potential beneficiaries and the deadlines for calls for applications in 2023.