
A Baña

A Baña

General information

Capital: San Vicente

Town: A Baña

Region: A Barcala

Province: A Coruña

Zip code: 15863

CIF: P1500700H

Surface: 98.2 km2 km 2

Municipality: 3333 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 13/02/2025

Address: Praza do Concello S/N – San Vicente

Telephone number: 981 886 501

E-mail: correo@concellocabana.gal

Fax: 981 886 616

Website: http://www.concellodabana.gal/

Town hall coordinates: 42.961941917318825, -8.757947701900532

Final publications: IBI, ICIO and IAE taxes