
A Cañiza

A Cañiza

Belonging to the comarca of Paradanta, A Cañiza has the Ribadil business park, located halfway between Vigo and Ourense. With some 300,000m² of industrial surface area, at the foot of the Rías Baixas motorway, this council is home to companies in the aluminium and granite sectors.

General information

Capital: A Cañiza

Town: A Cañiza

Region: A Paradanta

Province: Pontevedra

Zip code: 36880

CIF: P3600900I

Surface: 107.5 km 2

Municipality: 5090 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 12/06/2018

Address: Rúa Oriente 11

Telephone number: 986651000

E-mail: info@caniza.org

Fax: 986651190

Website: http://www.caniza.org

Town hall coordinates: 42.21273600000000, -8.27339100000000

Final publications

Subsequent amendments