
A Guarda

A Guarda

Located in the Baixo Miño comarca, in the southwest of the province of Pontevedra.
The main economic activities of the municipality of A Guarda are construction, industrial services and tourism. Due to its strategic location on the border with Portugal, the construction of a business park is being considered.

General information

Town: A Guarda

Province: Pontevedra

Zip code: 36780

Municipality: 9998 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 30/11/2021

Address: Praza do Reló Nº1

Telephone number: 986610000

E-mail: aguarda@aguarda.es

Fax: 986610283

Website: http://www.aguarda.es

Final publications: IBI, ICIO and IAE taxes

Subsequent amendments