
A Lama

A Lama

Municipality belonging to the region of the same name, it has an industrial area in the Racelo business park. The main economic activities of this municipality are agriculture, forestry and construction. It has a business incubator in the business park to promote the generation of employment and wealth in the area.

General information

Capital: A Lama

Town: A Lama

Region: Pontevedra

Province: Pontevedra

Zip code: 36830

CIF: P3602500E

Surface: 111.8 km 2

Municipality: 2520 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 26/12/2018

Address: Avda. do Concello 1

Telephone number: 986768238

E-mail: oficinas@concellodalama.com

Fax: 986768282

Website: http://www.concellodalama.com

Town hall coordinates: 42.39757700000000, -8.44274600000000

Final publications