
A Pobra do Brollón

A Pobra do Brollón

Located in the south of the province of Lugo, in the comarca of Terra de Lemos, the municipality of A Pobra do Brollón has an economy mainly based on the primary sector. It is integrated within the Ribeira Sacra Designation of Origin for the cultivation of vineyards.

General information

Capital: A Pobra de Brollón

Town: A Pobra do Brollón

Region: Terra de Lemos

Province: Lugo

Zip code: 27330

CIF: P2704700J

Surface: 176.7 km 2

Municipality: 1565 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 12/03/2019

Address: Avda de Jose Antonio 50

Telephone number: 982430001

E-mail: concello@concellodapobradobrollon.gal

Fax: 982430361

Website: http://www.concellodapobradobrollon.gal

Town hall coordinates: 42.55723700000000, -7.39333000000000

Final publications: IBI, ICIO and IAE taxes

Subsequent amendments