
A Rúa

A Rúa

Grape growing and wine production are one of its main economic engines. Other activities include hydroelectric generation, freight transportation, food and the auxiliary automotive industry. It is home to the As Pedreiras industrial park, well-connected by the N-120 and the N-536 national roads, and is less than an hour from Ponferrada.

General information

Capital: A Rúa

Town: A Rúa

Region: Valdeorras

Province: Ourense

Zip code: 32350

CIF: P3207300I

Surface: 35.9 km 2

Municipality: 4141 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 12/04/2018

Address: Praza José Antonio Míguez 1

Telephone number: 988310116

E-mail: info@arua.gal

Fax: 988311321

Website: http://www.arua.es/

Town hall coordinates: 42.39505300000000, -7.11409500000000

Final publications: IBI, ICIO and IAE taxes

Subsequent amendments