


Excellently connected, the main economic centre of this municipality is the Novo Milladoiro business park, located just 1 km from the city of Santiago de Compostela, with a total area of 323,000 square meters. Ames also has the A Proa collaborative work space for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

General information

Capital: Bertamiráns

Town: Ames

Region: Santiago de Compostela

Province: A Coruña

Zip code: 15864

CIF: P1500200I

Surface: 80.0 km 2

Municipality: 32482 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 30/11/2018

Address: Praza do Concello Nº2 - Bertamiráns

Telephone number: 981883002

E-mail: concellodeames@concellodeames.gal

Fax: 981883925

Website: http://www.concellodeames.gal/

Town hall coordinates: 42.85945100000000, -8.65010300000000

Final publications

Subsequent amendments