
Antas de Ulla

Antas de Ulla

General information

Capital: Antas de Ulla

Town: Antas de Ulla

Region: A Ulloa

Province: Lugo

Zip code: 27570

CIF: P2700300C

Surface: 103.6 km2 km 2

Municipality: 1918 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 13/02/2025

Address: Praza de España, 2

Telephone number: 982 379 251

E-mail: concello.antasdeulla@eidolocal.es

Fax: 982 379 100

Website: http://www.concellodeantas.org/

Town hall coordinates: 42.78269444451247, -7.890431121525909

Final publications