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  • As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez


As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez

As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez

This is one of the most important centres of Galician industry and has modern and recently built communications infrastructure, significant energy and natural resources and an excellent location. It currently has two parks and two industrial settlements that together cover an area of more than 1.7 km². It houses an economic promotion institute to advise investors and entrepreneurs.

General information

Capital: As Pontes

Town: As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez

Region: Eume

Province: A Coruña

Zip code: 15302

CIF: P1507100D

Surface: 249.4 km 2

Municipality: 9867 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 16/10/2020

Address: Parque Municipal S/N

Telephone number: 981453116

E-mail: correo@aspontes.org

Fax: 981453185

Website: http://aspontes.org/

Town hall coordinates: 43.44930500000000, -7.85305700000000

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