
As Somozas

As Somozas

Located in the region of Ferrol, in the province of A Coruña, the As Somozas city council has a business park covering over one million square metres in which several companies related to new technology sectors and industrial material regeneration plants are located. The nearest port and cargo terminal are in Ferrol, 38 km away, and A Coruña airport is 75 km away.

General information

Capital: Igrexa

Town: As Somozas

Region: Ferrol

Province: A Coruña

Zip code: 15565

CIF: P1508200A

Surface: 70.9 km 2

Municipality: 1068 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 16/06/2022

Address: Lugar A Igrexa Nº 1

Telephone number: 981404101

E-mail: correo@assomozas.es

Fax: 981404205

Website: http://www.assomozas.es

Town hall coordinates: 43.53320200000000, -7.94471900000000

Final publications