How can I access public funding for my startup in Galicia?
There are several options such as IGAPE grants, GAIN programs, and Xesgalicia funds.
What sectors are priorities for startup development in Galicia?
Galicia is strongly committed to sectors such as biotechnology, technology, energy, and innovative industry.
What are the advantages of participating in a startup accelerator?
Accelerators offer mentoring, networking, access to investors, resources, and sometimes initial funding.
What legal form is most suitable for a startup?
The most common legal forms are the Limited Liability Company (S.L.) and the New Company Limited Liability Company (S.L.N.E.).
What is a startup and how does it differ from a traditional company?
A startup is an emerging company, generally technology-based, that seeks a scalable and repeatable business model.
Como establezo un orzamento e controlo os custos do meu potencial negocio?
É primordial que teñas identificados os teus ingresos e gastos fixos e variables. Establece un límite de gastos e ten sempre presente que é imporante que realices un seguimento dos teus gastos. Atopa tamén formas de reducir os custos e aforrar diñeiro, sobre todo os primeiros anos de actividade. Para facilitar estas tarefas, é recomendable […]