Industrial projects
Enterprising municipalities

Enterprising municipalities

Enterprising municipalities

Enterprising municipalities

Enterprising municipalities

Law 9/2021 of 25 February on administrative simplification and support for the economic reactivation of Galicia regulates the Galician initiative for Enterprising Municipalities in order to promote the implementation and operation of business initiatives in Galicia, with full guarantees of economic sustainability and reduction of regulatory and administrative barriers.

This initiative, in collaboration with the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, has been ongoing since the 2017 financial year. In order to join, municipalities must commit to providing companies and entrepreneurs with the following advantages:

  • More tax incentives: up to 95% rebates on Real Estate Tax (IBI), Business Tax (IAE) and the Tax on Construction, Installations and Works (ICIO) for those projects involving new implementation or expansion of existing companies.
  • More administrative simplification: granting of licenses for major works within a maximum period of 30 calendar days once the complete documentation and all the mandatory sectoral reports are available.
  • Easier access to industrial land: subsidies and incorporation of surface rights to favour access to business land in their municipality.

The Galician Regional Government will establish positive discrimination in the aid orders, which are called on a competitive basis:

  • In favour of enterprising municipalities, in aid directed to the municipalities and destined to investments and expenses related to the purposes of the initiative.
  • In favour of companies, self-employed or non-profit entities, in aid for the implementation and operation of business initiatives in Galicia, whose projects are carried out in an enterprising municipality.

"This initiative aims to contribute to attracting investment to our community"

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