


The main economic activity of this council in the comarca of Ferrolterra is fishing. The service sector also employs a significant part of the active population, who commute daily to the neighbouring city of Ferrol. In summer, tourism is a strategic sector and a great source of income due to the excellent location of the city.

General information

Capital: Ares

Town: Ares

Region: Ferrol

Province: A Coruña

Zip code: 15624

CIF: P1500400E

Surface: 18.3 km 2

Municipality: 6132 Population

Date of acquisition of the status of enterprising municipality: 19/04/2018

Address: Praza da Constitución S/N

Telephone number: 981468102

E-mail: info@concellodeares.com

Fax: 981448299

Website: http://www.concellodeares.com/

Town hall coordinates: 43.42595300000000, -8.24506000000000

Final publications: IBI, ICIO and IAE taxes