What are the obligations incurred in the development of economic activity called, and what types of creditors do we have regarding the nature of the debts?
The obligations incurred by the company are known as Liabilities, and creditors can be commercial or financial depending on the type of debt incurred.
What are the assets and rights owned by my company called, and how are they differentiated in terms of the time it takes to convert them into liquidity?
The assets and rights of the company are called Assets and are classified into Non-Current Assets and Current Assets.
What is a loan?
It is a transaction in which a financial institution provides a sum of money, and in exchange, the recipient has the obligation to repay it within a specified period.
What are the deadlines for preparing and submitting account books?
From the closing of the accounting year, there is a three-month period to prepare the accounts and legalise the books, and from there at least one more month to conduct an audit, if applicable.
What should I consider when interpreting the ratios obtained in my financial analysis?
Although reference values for ratios are sometimes provided, these do not always need to be taken literally.
If I have an SME, what account books am I required to keep?
As an SME business owner, you have the duty to keep the company’s accounts, which should be reflected in the Journal and Ledger books, and at the end of the financial year, prepare the financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss account, notes to the accounts, and statement of changes in equity). As an SME, […]
É un problema que unha empresa teña exceso de liquidez?
Non é malo que unha empresa dispoña de moita liquidez, pero si que supón un custo de oportunidade importante non ter activos investidos no proceso de produción u noutros elementos que poidan xerar rendementos. Dispoñer de moitos fondos na caixa e bancos, e non destinalos a outros activos, é como ter moitas máquinas, pero manter […]
Que documento recolle a evolución do negocio en canto aos ingresos e gastos contabilizados durante un exercicio económico?
A evolución do negocio durante un exercicio económico recóllese no documento chamado Conta de Resultados, o cal se estrutura a partir dos diferentes ingresos e gastos que se produciran no exercicio para obter o resultado. Se o teu negocio precisa apoio neste ámbito, recorda que podes solicitar o noso servizo de asesoramento gratuíto a través […]
Que é unha garantía bancaria?
Unha garantía bancaria é un documento a través do cal un banco adquire o compromiso dun cliente en canto á obriga de facer fronte a un pago. No caso de que este a incumpra, executarase en favor do prestamista, é dicir, da entidade financeira que prestou o diñeiro. Se precisas asesoramento neste ámbito, podes poñerte […]
Que son os business angels?
Os business angels son unha nova fonte de financiamento externa cuxa achega vai máis aló da propia inversión económica. Son persoas (frecuentemente organizadas en redes) que titorizan un proxecto empresarial, co que se vinculan especialmente, e achegan diñeiro, pero tamén o seu tempo e o know-how adquirido no exercicio da súa profesión (experiencia, contactos, coñecementos […]